My Balance & Wellness
with Sarah Hawthorne


Discover the endless benefits of having your very own personal Health Coach

I love being a Certified Health Coach, working with my clients on making healthier food and lifestyle choices so they can be and feel their best! 

In the Personalized Wellness Program, some of the fun things we do together can include: 

- Healthy food shopping tours to discover all the delicious foods you can eat! 

- Hands on cooking workshops to enjoy nutritious meals that taste amazing and are easy to make

- Personalized nutrition plan so that you know exactly what, when and how to eat

- Self care tools to love your self unconditionally, feel great and look your best 

- Stress reduction strategies to better cope in life and embrace each moment of the day   

- Energy boosting tips to be able to do all the things you love! 

When I work with each individual, I take the time to explore the mind / body connection and get to the root cause of their health concerns. By maximizing the raw materials the body needs to function optimally, minimizing what is not serving your wellbeing, and balancing each day so that you feel fantastic, you can live a happy and healthy life! 

I bust the diet myths and confusion by making things simple, enjoyable and bringing you back to living and eating the way nature intended. We are all different, and therefore have unique needs, preferences, goals and desires.

If you are interested in learning more about how I can guide and support you to vibrant health, please email and check out my website for more information about my Personalized Wellness Program. 

Click here to read about the life changing experiences my clients have had due to working with me! I will hold you accountable and inspire you so that you are empowered to embrace a healthy way of living for life!  

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