with Sarah Hawthorne

Meet Sarah



"Good health is your greatest wealth. It's time to put yourself first again, invest in nutritious food and prioritize daily self-care!" - Sarah

Meet Sarah

Sarah is a proud Aussie who lives with her husband Chris, daughter Sage and German Shorthaired Pointer Bailey on Mount Tamalpais in Mill Valley. She is passionate about living consciously, protecting the environment, eating healthy food, prioritizing self-care, traveling, and spending time with loved ones.  

Photos by Kari Humphrey | Kari Anne Photography

Photos by Kari Humphrey | Kari Anne Photography

Journey & Education

Sarah grew up on a junk food diet and fell victim to conventional doctors and dermatologists overprescribing medications for things like acne and dermatitis. This "reactive" approach to health care with the use of drugs, versus a "preventative" approach with nutrition and self-care, came with a lot of unwanted side effects like compromised gastrointestinal health and immune function, toxicity and excess inflammation. Fed up, Sarah finally realized that there had to be another way - a more holistic approach to addressing issues from the root cause.

Sarah decided to educate herself about balanced nutrition and sustainable wellness through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and became a Certified Health Coach registered with the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. What she learned was music to her ears - eating for ones unique body type and prioritizing daily self care is the key to feeling and looking ones best. She instantly felt she had to share this valuable knowledge with others in need. That’s when My Balance & Wellness was created. Sarah was so inspired to help people heal from the inside out and achieve real results with their health goals, that she continued studying clinical nutrition through The School Of Applied Functional Medicine.

In addition to coaching clients, Sarah has kept herself busy working with other impactful organizations including: Australian Certified Organic - CUESA's Foodwise Kids - Wellness In The Schools - Cooking Matters - Ceres Community Project. She has experience as a writer, on-air host, public speaker, and advisor for LIVZO.

Today Sarah’s focus is on the environment. She believes in regenerative agriculture, consuming less, green energy, natural beauty, sustainable fashion, an active outdoors lifestyle and a toxin free home.


Sarah’s approach to nutrition and health is holistic in nature. When clients work with Sarah, they get a personalized wellness program made up of nutritional guidance, lifestyle coaching, self-care tips, meal planning strategy sessions and healthy food shopping tours all designed to get the results they desire. Sarah knows that there isn’t one way of eating that suits everyone. She listens to her clients needs and preferences in order to educate, guide and support them all the way to achieving their goals. Sarah focuses on empowering people to maximize the raw materials the body needs to function optimally, minimize the things that deplete ones vitality, and prioritize supportive lifestyle choices to truly embody a state of wellbeing. When you nourish your mind, body and spirit, everything else falls into place and things like excess inflammation, stress, fatigue, cravings and other imbalances no longer remain a burden. 



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