My Balance & Wellness
with Sarah Hawthorne


Posts in body
A Winter Skincare Regime For A Natural, Healthy Glow

I think skin health is important to all women. I know it is extremely important to me. That’s why I do my best to achieve glowing skin from the inside out on a daily basis. Just like we focus on keeping our bodies fit and healthy, we also need to focus on keeping our skin balanced and radiant. 

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The Six Pillars Of Health For A Successful Holiday Season

December is all about wrapping up work in time for Christmas and New Years and attending various social events and parties. As dynamic and fun as all of this can be, it can also take a toll on our bodies... leaving us feeling depleted and run down. So, in this post, I am thrilled to share with you my personal tools for feeling vibrant and staying well during the holiday season. 

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A Cleansing & Beautifying Fall Salad

 While I like to enjoy slow cooked, grounding meals during the evening, I can’t seem to break the habit of having a big hearty salad for lunch. Therefore, I wanted to share with you my favorite fall / winter salad recipe using vegetables and fruits that are totally in their prime. 

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Nourishing Mumma + Baby - Tips From A Health Coach

A little while back, I was interviewed by a mother curious to know how she and other women can best support themselves and their little one through balanced nutrition and lifestyle choices. I wanted to share it with you and anyone else you know who may find this information helpful. 

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A Simple Guide To Eating Protein

Protein is a macronutrient that supports your body in stabilizing blood sugar levels, achieving a state of satiety, curbing sugar cravings and repairing muscles post workout. There are many different ways to consume protein, be it animal and / or plant sources. 

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My Interview With Australian Organic Awareness Month Supporter Belinda Hughes

Tell us about the importance of Certified Organic skincare? 
Certified Organic skincare is so important because the skin needs nourishment just as much as the rest of our body. As the body’s largest organ, the skin protects us and absorbs what we put onto it. If the product is not certified then we are still taking in toxins from traditional farming methods and pesticides. To have a truly pure product, it must be certified organic.

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Sharing My Knowledge Of Eczema

As a little kid I had itchy eczema really bad on the back of my legs and unfortunately it flared back up for a while in my adult years. It made me investigate deeper what was causing this reaction for my body. 

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A Low Glycemic Snack List - The Only Way To Snack!

I have come up with a list of my personal favorite “go to” snacks that are either high in fiber, protein or fat, or all of the above to keep blood sugar levels stable. 

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